Our commitment is based on the
continuous improvement of our processes,
complying with the environmental
management system and the preservation
of natural resources for future generations.
Projects and programs
Integrated Pest Management
We consider Integrated Pest Management
(IPM) as an alternative that allows moving
from conventional agriculture to
sustainable agriculture, where chemical
control is the last option for crop
protection in Agroindustrial Beta. We
implement biological, ethological and
cultural control practices within our IPM.
Solid Waste Management
This initiative allows the segregation,
collection, storage and final disposal of
waste. We also align ourselves with the
policies, procedures and activities aimed at
ensuring responsible management of
hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste
generated in our processes.
Environmental Management Program
Guaranteeing our commitment to the
environment, we have environmental
monitoring programs and compliance
reports aligned with our environmental
management instruments approved by the
Directorate of Agrarian Environmental
Affairs – Ministry of Agriculture and
Flora and Ornithofauna Monitoring
Committed to the preservation of
biological diversity in our fields, we carry
out periodic monitoring of flora and fauna,
complemented with conservation plans in
order to establish preventive measures for
the protection of native species and
preservation of our ecological zones.
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Av. Víctor A. Belaúnde N° 214 Piso 5 Oficina 501, San Isidro, Lima Tel.: (511) 056-581150